7th Pay Commission Promotion Calculator

7th Pay Commission Promotion Calculator

Options for fixation of Pay on Promotion or MACP in 7th Pay Commission – Illustrations for 1.1.2016, 1.7.2016 and Promotion date

There are Two Options are given in Option Form, but literally there are four options in Option-II apart from Option -I

In this Promotion Option calculator only two Options are taken into account Option-I : Revising Pay from 1 st January 2016. Option-II : Revising pay from Date of Next Increment i.e 1.7.2016. If any government servant who got promotion / MACP between the period of 1.1.2016 and the date of Notification of Revised Pay Rules 2016, they have to calculate both options to decide which option is beneficial to him/her. Enter your Basic pay [with GP] as on 1.1.2016, Date of Promotion, Grade Pay of Promoted Grade in the Calculator.

The Option Calculator Provides you the Pay Fixation details and pay as on 1.7.2016.

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Disclaimer : The above calculation is not authoritative and it is subject to change as per the Government Orders. This is to help you to calculate your revised pay in different Options. Exercising Option can be done based on various factors like Pay Increase, next annual Increment date and Getting Arrears and forgoing Arrears. So the above calculation should not be taken as advice to decide your Option date for revising pay. Selecting Option is entirely within the individual’s discretion

16 thoughts on “7th Pay Commission Promotion Calculator”

  1. If I get my fixation in 7 cpc on 1 Jan 2016 ( My MACP is due from 08 JAN 2016) Now is it compulsory to get MACP on Jan 8 2016 OR can I avail it from 01 July 2016 after getting Annual Increment as before.Your Calculator doesn’t give this opportunity.

    1. You are eligible only increment on 1/1/2017, Promotion period you have to complete full six months.Fro 8/1/16 to 30/6/16 not completion of 6 months. On 1/1/2017 you will get 2 stages of increments.

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