Govt ignored 7th CPC recommendation of CGEGIS to give High risk Cover

Govt ignored 7th CPC recommendation of CGEGIS to give High risk Cover

CGEGIS was Modified by 7th CPC to give High Risk Cover, but Govt ignored

The Best Recommendation for CGEGIS is ignored by all

Apart from Pay Matrix there is one more thing we need to appreciate 7th Pay Commission for its recommendations. The recommendations on living benefits are only debated much in discussions. But the 7th CPC has put human face and showed its magnanimity while recommending CGEGIS for Central Government Employees with high risk cover.

SEE :7th CPC Recommendation on CGEGIS

Spending 1500 Rupees every month for overcoming the uncertainty in life to save the family is not at all a matter of concern for Group C Government servants. Because the family of a Group C Employee gets 15 Lakh Rupees at the unfortunate loss of its breadwinners life.

But the central government simply ignored this recommendation [READ : CGEGIS – Government Decision on 7th CPC recommendation ] and no federations hasn’t say anything about that. It shows its lack of clear vision in every aspects of life beyond service conditions.

7th CPC Recommended the following Risk Cover with Premium Return Benefits on Retirement.

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In case of Group C Employee’s death, the family will be Paid Rs.15 Lakhs
If It happens to Group B Employee, the family will get Rs.25 lakhs
For Group A it will be Rs.50Lakh

At present a family of Group C employee cannot get Rs.1500000 from Terminal benefits in case of an employee’s death. There are lot of families are suffering without sufficient income as the Pension benefits are not at par with Money required to live a decent life. After 2004, All the Central Government Servants are covered under NPS. As of now no one knows how much the family will get in case of death of a Government Servant covered under NPS.

The Federation must keep in mind all aspects mentioned above and should insists the Government to accept the recommendations of 7th CPC on CGEGIS

READ : 7th CPC Recommendation on CGEGIS is not accepted by Govt

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