Restructuring of Group ā€˜Cā€™ RPF/RPSF (Combatised) staff

Restructuring of Group ā€˜Cā€™ RPF/RPSF (Combatised) staff


RBE No. 28/2017

New Delhi,
Dated :27.03.2017

No. PC-III/2016/CRC/2

The General Managers/ Director General,

All Indian Railways/ Production Units, RDSO etc. & Central Training Institutes.

Sub. : Restructuring of Group ā€˜Cā€™ RPF/RPSF (Combatised) staff.

The Ministry of Railways have had under review cadres of Group ā€˜Cā€™ staff of Railway Protection Force (RPf) and Railway Protection Special Force (RPSF) with a view to strengthen and rationalize the staffing pattern in these forces. As a result of the review undertaken on the basis of functional, operational and administrative requirements, it has been decided with the approval of the President that the Group ā€˜Cā€™ Combatised staff of RPF/RPSF should be restructured in accordance with the revised percentages indicated in the enclosed Annexure. While implementing these orders the following instructions should be carefully and strictly adhered to :

Date of effect:

1.The restructuring of the cadres will be with reference to the sanctioned cadre strength as on 01-04-2017. Staff who will be placed in higher grade pay as a result of implementation of these orders will accordingly draw pay in the respective higher grades w.e.f 01-04-2017. The benefit of restructuring will be restricted to the persons who are working in a particular cadre on the cut-off-date i.e. 01-04-2017.


2.These orders will be applicable to the permanent regular cadres and will exclude surplus & supernumerary posts. Those temporary posts that are in operation for atleast three years may also be taken into account for the purpose of applying revised percentage. This will be subject to certification that these posts are meantfor regular activities which will continue and not for any sporadic adhoc requirements.

2.1 These orders will not be applicable to ex-cadre & work-charged posts which will continue to be based on worth of charge.

Pay Fixation:

3. The pay of staff promoted against the additional higher grade posts as a result of restructuring (including chain/resultant vacancies) will be fixed as per Rule 13 of RS(RP) Rules,2016 with the benefit of one increment, with the usual option for pay fixation as per extant rules.

Existing classification and filling up of the vacancies

4. The existing classification of the posts covered by these orders as ā€˜selectionā€™ and ā€˜non-selectionā€™, as the case may be remains unchanged.However, for the purpose of implementation of these orders, the existing selection procedure will stand modified to the extent that the selection will be based only on scrutiny of service records and confidential reports without holding any written/viva-voce/physical test. In this procedure, the selection Board is supposed to consider the claims of the eligible staff one by one in order of their seniority. It will scrutinize the service records and confidential reports of staff beyond the number equal to the number of posts calculated in terms of para .4.1 below only to the extent the number of staff is found unsuitable for promotion. This modified selection procedure has been decided upon by the Ministry of Railways as a one time exception by special dispensation, in view of the numbers involved, with the objective of expediting the implementation of these orders.

4.1 Normal vacancies existing on 01-04-2017 (except direct recruitment quota) and those arising on that date from this cadre restructuring including chain/resultant vacancies should be filled in the following sequence:

From panels approved on or before 01-04-2017 and current on that date;
and the balance in the manner indicated in para 4 above.

4.2 Such selections which have not been finalized by the date of issue of these orders should be cancelled/abandoned.

4.3 All normal vacancies arising from 02-04-2017 will be filled by normal procedure.

4.4 All vacancies (including chain/resultant vacancies) arising purely due to this cadre restructuring should be filled up by senior employees who should be given benefit of the promotion w.e.f 01-04-2017 whereas for the normal vacancies existing on 01-04-2017, junior employees should be posted by modified selection procedure but they will get promotion and higher pay only from the date of taking over the posts as per normal rules. Thus the special benefit of the promotion w.e.f. 01-04-2017 is available only for vacancies arising out of cadre restructuring. For other vacancies, the normal rules of prospective promotion from the date of filling up of vacancy will apply.

4.5 In cases where percentages have been reduced in the lower grade and no additional post becomes available as a result of restructuring, the existing vacancies on 01-04-2017 should be filled up by normal selection procedure.

4.6 Direct recruitment percentages will not be applicable to the additional posts arising out of these restructuring orders as on the date of effect. The direct recruitment percentage will apply for normal vacancies arising on or after the date following the date of effect i.e. 01-04-2017. The direct recruitment quota as existing prior to the date of effect, will continue to be maintained.

4.7 Employees who retire/resign/expire or become medically de-categorised in between the period from the date of effect of these orders to the date of actual implementation of these orders, will be eligible for the fixation benefits and arrears under these orders w.e.f date of effect i.e. 01-04-2017, if they are otherwise eligible for the said benefit.

5.Extant instructions for D&A/Vigilance clearance will be applicable for effecting promotions under these orders with reference to date of effect of these orders.

Minimum years of service in each grade

6.While implementing the restructuring orders, applicable instructions regarding minimum period of service required for promotion should be followed. In other words, residency period prescribed for promotions to various categories should not be relaxed.

Basic functions duties and responsibilities

7. Since the Group ā€˜Cā€™ cadres of RPF/RPSF are being restructured on functional, operational and administrative considerations, the posts being placed in higher levels of pay as a result of restructuring should include the duties and responsibilities of greater importance.

Adjustment of excess number of posts.

8. If prior to issue of these instructions the number of posts existing in any grade in any particular cadre exceeds the number admissible on the revised percentages, the excess is to be phased out progressively with the vacation of the posts by the existing incumbents.

Provision of reservation

9. The existing instructions with regard to reservation of SC/ST wherever applicable will continue to apply.

Pin pointing of posts

10. The administration should take steps to pin-point the additional posts arising out of this restructuring as per administrative requirements. This should be done in consultation with the Chief Security Commissioners of the Zonal Railways. However, in those cases where due to pin-pointing of posts staff is required to join duties in the upgraded posts at a different station, such staff may be allowed the benefit of upgradation/promotion on ā€œas is where is basisā€ for the time being and allowed to join the pin-pointed post at the new station within six months time from the date of issue of promotion order, subject to the satisfaction of Chief Security Commissioner on merit in each case.

Refusal of promotion

11. Such of the Staff as had refused promotion before ā€˜safe of these orders and stand debarred for promotion may be considered for promotion, in relaxation of the extant provisions as a one time exception, if they indicate in writing that they are willing to be considered for such promotion against the vacancies existing on date of effect i.e. 01-04-2017 and arising due to restructuring on the date. This relaxation will not be applicable to the vacancies arising after the date of effect i.e. 01-04-2017.

Matching Savings

12. Entire scheme of restructuring is to be a self-financing and expenditure neutral proposition. Financial implications should be worked out taking into account mid-value of pay structure (level) as per pay matrix notified vide Part ā€˜Aā€™ of Ministry of Railways Gazette Notification dated 28.07.2016 (RBE No. 90/2016) with the Dearness Allowance as applicable on date of effect of these orders.

12.1 After working out the financial implications, the matching savings should normally be effected from the lowest grade (Constable in Level-3) in the cadre itself. Wherever it is not found possible to do so from the cadre itself, the matching savings can be arranged from the Department at the divisional/zonal level. Care may be taken before surrendering higher grade posts, if any, that such surrender will not affect promotional prospects of feeder grades. However, in any case, before restructuring the cadre of RPF/RPSF as per the revised percentage distribution of posts, matching savings will have to be ensured. While effecting surrender of posts of equivalent financial value, only existing vacant posts available on the date of effect should be considered for the purpose of off-setting the cost of restructuring/financial effects of restructuring. There would be no restructuring without matching savings by surrender of posts.

Annual review

13. Next Annual Review will be undertaken from 01.04.2018 taking into account the cadre strength as on 01.04.2018.

This issues in consultation with the Establishment & Security Directorate and with concurrence of the Finance Directorate of this Ministry.

The receipt of this letter may please be acknowledged.

DA : Annexure

Joint Director,
Pay Commission
Railway Board

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