After implementation of 7th Pay Commission, all group of Central Government employees are getting an annual increment on 1st January or 1st July of every year. Most of the employees are getting an annual increment 1st July of every year. So, today Increment Day for Central Government Employees.
The Central Govt has decided to implement the two date option with effect from 1.1.2016 as per 7th CPC recommendations. Before that, only one date (1st July of every year) for annual increment in the regime of 6th Pay Commission.
The rate of Annual Increment is 3% of Basic Pay (Matrix Pay). However, there is no calculation of 3% of basic pay. All we know the 7th Pay Commission designed and recommended the Pay Matrix Table for all group of CG Employees. From the table itself, we could see the next basic pay with annual increment. Let’s explain with an illustration…
In case of an employee is in the basic pay of Rs.33,300 in Level 4. When he gets an annual increment on 1st July 2019, he will just move one stage down (next cell of the same pay matrix level) in the same level. Hence after increment, his pay will be Rs.34,300.
LEVEL 1 TO 5 (GP 1800 TO 2800) PB-1 (5200-20200) |
GP | 1800 | 1900 | 2000 | 2400 | 2800 |
Level | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
1 | 18000 | 19900 | 21700 | 25500 | 29200 |
2 | 18500 | 20500 | 22400 | 26300 | 30100 |
3 | 19100 | 21100 | 23100 | 27100 | 31000 |
4 | 19700 | 21700 | 23800 | 27900 | 31900 |
5 | 20300 | 22400 | 24500 | 28700 | 32900 |
6 | 20900 | 23100 | 25200 | 29600 | 33900 |
7 | 21500 | 23800 | 26000 | 30500 | 34900 |
8 | 22100 | 24500 | 26800 | 31400 | 35900 |
9 | 22800 | 25200 | 27600 | 32300 | 37000 |
10 | 23500 | 26000 | 28400 | 33300 | 38100 |
11 | 24200 | 26800 | 29300 | 34300 | 39200 |
12 | 24900 | 27600 | 30200 | 35300 | 40400 |
13 | 25600 | 28400 | 31100 | 36400 | 41600 |
14 | 26400 | 29300 | 32000 | 37500 | 42800 |
15 | 27200 | 30200 | 33000 | 38600 | 44100 |
There are two types of increments are given to Central Government employees. One is Annual Increment and another one is Promotional Increment. Annual increment is given to all employees either on 1st of January or 1st July of every year. The Promotional Increment is given only on the fixation of pay on Promotion or MACP. Let’s explain with an illustration…
In case of an employee is drawing a basic pay of Rs.33,300 in Level 4. When he gets promotion or macp from Level 4 to Level 5 on 1st July 2019, he will just move one stage down in the same level and equal to or higher of the cell value in the next upgraded level. Hence, his pay will be Rs.34,900.
LEVEL 1 TO 5 (GP 1800 TO 2800) PB-1 (5200-20200) |
GP | 1800 | 1900 | 2000 | 2400 | 2800 |
Level | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
1 | 18000 | 19900 | 21700 | 25500 | 29200 |
2 | 18500 | 20500 | 22400 | 26300 | 30100 |
3 | 19100 | 21100 | 23100 | 27100 | 31000 |
4 | 19700 | 21700 | 23800 | 27900 | 31900 |
5 | 20300 | 22400 | 24500 | 28700 | 32900 |
6 | 20900 | 23100 | 25200 | 29600 | 33900 |
7 | 21500 | 23800 | 26000 | 30500 | 34900 |
8 | 22100 | 24500 | 26800 | 31400 | 35900 |
9 | 22800 | 25200 | 27600 | 32300 | 37000 |
10 | 23500 | 26000 | 28400 | 33300 | 38100 |
11 | 24200 | 26800 | 29300 | 34300 | 39200 |
12 | 24900 | 27600 | 30200 | 35300 | 40400 |
13 | 25600 | 28400 | 31100 | 36400 | 41600 |
14 | 26400 | 29300 | 32000 | 37500 | 42800 |
15 | 27200 | 30200 | 33000 | 38600 | 44100 |
There are two dates for grant of increment, 1st January and 1st July of every year. Provided that an employee shall be entitled to only one annual increment either on 1st January or 1st July depending on the date of his appointment, promotion or grant of financial upgradation.
The increment in respect of an employee appointed or promoted or granted financial upgradation including upgradation under Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme (MACPS) during the period between the 2nd day of January and 1st day of July (both inclusive) shall be granted on 1st day of January and the increment in respect of an employee appointed or promoted or granted financial upgradation including upgradation under MACPS during the period between the 2nd day of July and 1st day of January (both inclusive) shall be granted on 1st day of July.