Pay Matrix Table for Central Government Employees
The 7th CPC designing a pay matrix which is simple, transparent, predictable and easily comprehensible.
During their interactions with the Commission, the stakeholders placed many demands, ranging from common entry pay, rationalization of the existing grade pay structure, common treatment of like cadres, transparent pay structure as also increasing the frequency of the MACP. The new pay matrix incorporates all these features: subsuming the grade pay, the rationalized matrix presents the whole universe of pay levels in one simple chart.

Enhanced Govt Contribution from 10% to 14% under NPS – PFRDA Circular
Necessary instructions for all CABs (Central Autonomous Bodies) concerned with reference to gazette notification F.No.1/3/2016-PR dated 31/01/2019 issued by Dept of Financial Services (DFS), Ministry of Finance containing recent announcements under NPS; Read More

As per the Income Tax rules, leave encashment is taxable as a salary if you receive it while in service. If a government employee gets leave encashment at the time of retirement, then s/he doesn’t have to pay tax on it Read More